Everything you need to feel confident, improve your skills and rock your first dance!
Wondering what moves you need to know for your first dance?
I’m going to share three important moves that are a must, no matter what type of dance you do.
Plan on going all out with a choreographed routine? You need these moves.
Plan on keeping things simple with a few fancy spins thrown in? You need these moves.
Plan on just rocking back and forth like you did at High School prom? You still need these moves. Especially if you want to look smooth and polished.
You see, like a good movie, your first dance won’t be complete without a beginning, middle, and end. And, while most couples jump right into the middle of their dance, the beginning and end will benefit you in the most beautiful ways on the dance floor.
So, if nothing else, make sure to include the following moves in the beginning and end of your dance.
1. Make Sure Your First Dance Starts Off With An Attention Grabbing Entrance
You don’t want to just stand around waiting for your song to start playing, right?
Incorporating a nice entrance into your first dance will grab your guests attention, and allow you and your husband to walk gracefully onto the dance floor before you start dancing.
2. Add A Picture-Perfect Dip To The End Of Your First Dance
Not sure what to do when your music is ending?
A beautiful dip will help you wrap up your dance smoothly, instead of stopping your dance abruptly in the middle of a move.
Not to mention, that it will allow your photographer to capture a picture-perfect moment on the dance floor.
3. Finish Your First Dance With An Elegant Exit
So, you finished your dip. Now what?
An elegant exit will help you and your husband walk off the dance floor together hand-in-hand, and leave a lasting memory with your guests.
Your First Dance Song And When To Do These Moves
Now that we’ve talked about the three must-have moves needed for your first dance, let’s talk about the best time to do them during your song.
But first, I want you to visualize that your first dance song is broken up into three parts. The beginning, the middle, and the end.
The beginning is the intro of your song.
It’s when your song is just getting started with soft instrumental music or quiet vocals.
This is a perfect time to make your entrance onto the dance floor.
The middle is just after the intro.
It’s when the music picks up and the main part of your song kicks in.
This is when you’ll do most of your dancing (whichever type of dance you decide to do).
There will also likely be a chorus (or more energetic parts of your song) which is a great time to break out your best moves. I like to call these highlight moves, because they’re special moves that draw attention to the most important moments of your song.
The end is the outro of your song.
It’s when the energy of the music dies down, and your song comes to an end.
This is when you’ll do your dip and exit.
Want To Rock Your First Dance With Confidence?
If you and your partner are non-dancers and you want to start preparing for your first dance, then you’re going to love my first dance starter kit.
The starter kit will help you start preparing for your first dance, so you can feel confident, relax in the spotlight and enjoy a magical moment that you and your guests will remember forever.
You’ll learn:
the 3 moves you must practice to be prepared for your first dance
what to do before your wedding to feel relaxed and confident in the moment
and a word-for-word script of exactly what to tell your fiance to get him excited to dance with you.
You can grab the starter kit right now >> FREE First Dance Starter Kit.
Get the must-have tips that will help you feel confident, improve your skills and rock your first dance as husband and wife!