Get A Complete Checklist With Every Song You’ll Need, From Ceremony To Reception.
When it comes to weddings, there are so many things to plan for.
Your wedding music is one detail that can quite easily slip through the cracks and cause unnecessary stress at the last minute.
But, not to worry...
I have the perfect solution to dodge the last minute song searching chaos, so you can relax and enjoy music on your big day, that feels personal and special to you and your guests.
Lets get started!
The Benefit Of Choosing Your Own Music
The more songs you handpick for your big day, the more your wedding playlist will come to life with personality.
The goal is to make it so specific to you as a couple, that when your guests hear a song, they’ll smile and think, "wow, that is so them!" (referring to you and your fiance').
Even your DJ will want to get a feel for your taste in music before preparing his playlist. And, if you already have songs planned for all the special moments, he will be able to fill in the gaps with music that is tailored to your style.
Now, lets talk about how to plan your personalized wedding playlist.
Make A List Of All The Special Wedding Moments
Make a list of all the special moments that will take place on your big day, from ceremony to reception.
Most of the moments on your list will probably be pretty obvious, like the moment you walk the aisle, and your entrance into the reception. But, others might take a little more thought, like whether or not you’ll have a unity ceremony, or bouquet toss.
You can make this list whatever way you choose. Whether it’s on your phone, or a simple sheet of paper. Just go with the option that’s most convenient for you.
If you want a printable list, I have a checklist already done for you that includes every special moment.
Choose Songs That Reflect Your Unique Style And Personality
Now that you have a list of all the special moments you’ll be including in your big day, start looking for songs for each moment that reflect your unique traits as a couple.
Having your unique traits in mind, as you search for your music, will make each moment feel more personal and special..
Here are some examples of how these details can help influence your song choices, while looking for your music…
General details, like...
your favorite passion or hobby
where you went to college
what you do for work
Example: Maybe you and your fiance went to the same college and you want to enter the reception to your college fight song.
Personal details, like...
how you met
your first kiss
where he proposed
Example: Maybe you want to dance your first dance as husband and wife to a song that reminds you of, or played during, your first date.
Your favorite bands, and what type of music you enjoy...
upbeat songs
easy listening
hip hop
Example: Maybe there’s an instrumental version of your favorite song that would be perfect for your walk down the aisle.
How To Keep Track Of Your Wedding Song Playlist
Playing the perfect songs on your wedding day will help set the mood and create the right ambiance for every moment. But knowing which songs you’ll need and keeping track of all that music can be overwhelming.
If you want a complete list of every song you’ll need from ceremony to reception, you’re going to love my printable Wedding Song Checklist. It will help you keep track of all your songs and fill your big day with heartwarming music for every moment.
My FREE checklist will help you keep track of every wedding song you’ll need, from ceremony to reception.